My practice Seasons Health was established in 2002 and over the course of time I've treated all ages and many different health issues. In addition to running my own business I have 7 years experience in 2 Traditional Chinese Medicine Fertility Clinics, and one year of experience working in a community style acupuncture clinic. Now I work in a dynamic integrative clinic at Peoples RX, and do mobile acupuncture home visits and virtual online consults.
Traditional Chinese Medicine for the entire family, from babies to grandparents -- Home visits and virtual consults available. Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, and Holistic Healthcare Coaching. Other specialties include: Stress, and Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression, PTSD, Allergies and Asthma, Injury Recovery, General and Acute Pain, Post surgical recovery, Post hospital recovery, Post stroke paralysis, Digestive Issues, Migraines Labor and Delivery, Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues, Mama's on bed rest. Pediatric Acupressure Massage,* And Much more!* *I teach new parents an infant massage called Tuina -- *More information about my services can be found on my website.