The department of public works has 74 full-time employees, including mechanics, equipment operators and engineers. The department's various divisions are responsible for maintaining roads, buildings, sewers and vehicles, as well as planning future town projects.
Staff in the engineering division work on construction of streets, sidewalks, bridges, culverts and sewers, and provide surveys and other work for future capital improvement projects. Employees in the Roads & Streets division maintain and resurface roads, repair traffic signals and remove snow and ice.
Staff in the facility maintain cleanliness and make repairs in 45 town buildings. Employees in the Fleet division keep vehicles in working order, including police cruisers and vehicles for the Board of Education. Staff in the commercial solid waste division run a leaf composting facility, residential transfer station and commercial solid waste collection program. The Water Pollution Control division handles wastewater collection and maintains sewer lines.
Gary Schneider is director of the department of public works.