For the past 25+years, Dr. Roch Johnston has been serving the Irvine area and beyond with his healing hands. For young and old, Dr. Johnston has been there, and continues to help those with chronic pain.
Dr. Johnston is specialized in the Atlas Orthogonal method of Chiropractics. What makes him different from a typical chiropractor is the gentle, non-manipulative way of adjusting the Atlas, the upper cervical located in the neck. This method is a a great way to get your body on the right track back to health! Along with the atlas adjustment, the doctor also treats the rest of your body, be it knee pain from injuries, shoulder issues, or sciatica. Along with chiropractic, Dr. Johnston and staff also provide Rapid Release Technology therapy. Spinal Decompression is also available at the office. Dr. Johnston also does Nutritional Consulting, helping you pursue a healthy lifestyle. He is also specialized in Neurological Rehabilitation, helping your brain to work with your body to the best of its ability. Call us today to find out more!