Mission: Becoming Your Community Swim Club. Our swimmers are offered coached swim workouts and swim lessons. Our goal is to provide a valuable and affordable service to our community without the stress of typical swim teams. It is fun and enjoyable. Our home pool is the Culver City Municipal Pool (The Plunge). We swim Monday thru Friday. In the last five years, many of our current swimmers and alumni have both joined the Los Angeles County Junior Lifeguards program and the Culver City High School Swim/Polo teams. Some are now in college and continue to swim. Some are lifeguarding while finishing high school. Those who's goal was to do competitions have joined competitive swim teams and have used their CCSC learned skills to great effect. Some have decided to work with CCSC and coach younger swimmers who followed in their foot steps. We have success all around us. That is what we mean when we say that our mission is to