True North Acupuncture
HistoryTrue North Acupuncture - Jackson, WY is our newest project from one of the founders of True North Acupuncture in New York City. Opened in 2019, True North Acupuncture - Jackson is happy to offer all of the same acupuncture services as the original location for locals and visitors, alike.SpecialtiesAt True North Acupuncture, our mission is to understand the goals of our patients in terms of what best health means to them. A contract is made between practitioner and patient to work as a team in an effort to meet the health needs determined by the patient. Our desire is to incorporate the ancient healing arts of Chinese Medicine into the realities of life in modern-day Jackson, WY. Whether you need to work on digestion, mental-emotional stresses, healing injuries from an active lifestyle, or simply preventing illness and injuries alike, we are here to help.