Amy Wolf has been studying energy healing and psychic reading since the 80s; and has been a licensed LMP since 1992. Westwood Healing Arts was established in 2007 to give her a place to practice these skills in the service of healing as an independent entity without having to conform to someone else's business model. Westwood Healing Arts has been in West Seattle for a long time, with part-time presence in Lake City. Now it is opening a new office in Maple Leaf, to better serve the North End population which finds West Seattle inaccessible, as well as to provide a more professional space.
Transitioned due to covid to Leschi and Madrona. 98122. Westwood Healing Arts specializes in muscle-specific deep tissue treatment massage, energy healing and psychic reading. We treat tendonitis, carpal tunnel, neck and back pain, car accidents, work accidents, repetitive stress injuries. Aetna, and L and I in network, also car accidents. Chakra balancing, reiki, trance mediumship , and tarot . psychic development classes Soul retrieval for traumas(acute and chronic) as well as rescripting techniques for letting go of old beliefs