Formerly reVITALize NW Mind-Body Therapies
Trauma Informed, Intuitive Somatic Bodywork- Reiki, Massage/Reiki hybrid sessions, (Massage styles- Relaxation, Treatment, Pain Relief, Auto/Work Injury, Cupping, Aromatherapy, CHABA Cannabis Topical), Yoga, Life Coaching, EFT/TFT tapping. The Healing Compass refers to the inner guidance we all possess, but tends to get dampened by the motions we go through and distractions we face in our daily lives. We need to first slow down and take a moment to listen to our body and notice what it's telling us. Stress manifests physically by means of pain and tension, digestive upset, and various other symptoms. Though stress is inevitable, it can take over the body if ignored. Allow your inner compass to guide you to a healthier body and mind.