A Note from the Founder... Over the past several years, as I follow the news in our country and globally, I have reflected on the fact that the news today is very much different than the news of just 10 years ago. I consider how each month our family pays $200 per month on insurance for a fire that will never happen. Yet the greatest threats to our freedom, survival and quality of life are lurking behind numerous corners. This in mind, I found it prudent and responsible, to make basic preparations for our family. I knew that a complete and thorough set of the highest quality emergency disaster preparedness products combined with personal, private training were a service that was important to provide and help my fellow neighbors and community. We are proud to say that we have an amazing team, the best of the best, ready to help your business, faith based organization, family and neighborhood association. We look forward to being a part of your planning, safety and peace of mind!
Pillar EMS, the premier Seattle preparedness company, providing emergency preparedness for you, your business, home, neighborhood, community & more! Pillar EMS is Seattle's flagship emergency preparedness company. Emergency situations can occur while you are at home, work, on your commute, or at any location throughout Washington. We are proud to offer Washington specific emergency preparation, that is all inclusive Seattle to Tacoma disaster planning! We provide the best in Seattle business continuity plan services, Seattle emergency supplies, home defense and home security consulting, first aid training and more! Pillar EMS is known for preparing clients with effective advance emergency planning, whether they are individuals, families, businesses, schools or faith-based organizations, with the ability to successfully manage, adapt to and overcome any type of emergency situation. Pillar Emergency Management Systems is the only all inclusive Washington State disaster preparation!