Northaven began in 1972 when a local church, Olympic View Community Church of the Brethren, realized there was a need for safe, dignified, affordable housing for seniors in the community. They mortgaged their homes to secure the first construction loan. While many members of that congregation continue to support Northaven we have, from the beginning, been an independent non-profit senior housing and assisted livinig community. Our assisted living was added in 1992.
Northaven provides not for profit affordable housing and compassionate care and community services to improve the quality of life for older adults. Northaven welcomes everyone but we have a unique commitment to low and moderate income older adults. The majority of our independent living units qualify for Section 8 housing and we accept people who are dependent on Medicaid in our Assisted Living community. We are an unpretentious community built on compassion, comfort, hospitality, justice and generosity. In 1968 a group of families at Olympic View Community Church of the Brethren mortgaged their homes to secure the loan to build Northaven as a place where seniors, many who had few financial resources, could live with dignity in a caring community. We are a block from Northgate Mall near a post office, restaurants, library, shopping, entertainment and many other services. Experience senior living with a heart.