Misuzu Kaneko in Seattle, WA is dedicated to introducing the captivating poetry of Misuzu Kaneko, a renowned Japanese children's poet, to English-speaking audiences. Through the publication of "Are You an Echo: The Lost Poetry of Misuzu Kaneko," this company aims to share Kaneko's innate sympathy for all living and non-living things, which has touched the hearts of millions worldwide.
With a tragic personal life and a short-lived career, Misuzu Kaneko's work was forgotten for decades until its rediscovery in 1982. Following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011, her poem "Are You an Echo" gained instant fame in Japan, reminding the nation of their shared humanity. Now, Misuzu Kaneko in Seattle, WA brings her enduring popularity to the English-speaking world, allowing readers to appreciate her heartfelt poetry and empathetic spirit.
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