Laurel Academy, Little Laurel's parent organization, was established by a group of highly-dedicated individuals who were concerned about the declining standards in education that we continue to battle today. Since creating an elementary curriculum which allows a self-paced, proficiency-based system, we decided to expand into the lower ages with a Montessori Preschool. The philosophy of Montessori meshes perfectly with tenets of our elementary school and has provided an opportunity for each unique child become confident in their knowledge and abilities as they grow. With the tools we use, we will change the educational standards of our students, community, and the world.
Montessori believes that each child has a great curiosity and interest in learning about the world around them. Given a self-guided method of study and a beautiful, focused, and engaging environment, a child will naturally impel themselves in their studies. Each child has the the full ability to learn independently and thrives with a teacher to get past any questions or misunderstandings. Through discovering in this environment, a child will learn at a deeper level than any teacher-driven curriculum. Our classroom encourages each child to learn from hands on experience. We emphasize practical life skills and allow children to use their senses to learn. This, combined with well trained staff to help them overcome any learning barriers, allows the child's education to become their own; not something enforced or piled onto them. We want to create a fun environment that encourages education and sets the children free to observe, think, create and draw their own conclusions. As the children enter their classrooms at Little Laurels Montessori and discover enticing materials, they have the freedom to choose their own activities under the guidance of our Montessori-trained teacher, Castley, who has 10 years of experience in a Montessori classroom. We strive to cultivate concentration, independence and a love of learning.