Kitsap Aikido is a renowned martial arts dojo located in Poulsbo, Washington. Led by experienced instructors Sensei Lew Clark Fukushidoin and Sensei James Nybo, the dojo offers classes for adults and children, focusing on the art of Aikido and its principles of conflict management. With a strong emphasis on discipline, personal growth, and community, Kitsap Aikido provides a welcoming and supportive environment for practitioners of all ages and skill levels.
At Kitsap Aikido, students learn the unique philosophy of Aikido, which emphasizes using the energy of an opponent to gain control rather than resorting to violence. The dojo stands out for its exceptional leadership and commitment to personal development, teaching values such as respect, positivity, and self-assurance. As a tight-knit community, Kitsap Aikido fosters a sense of camaraderie among its members, creating a supportive network both on and off the mat. Whether you're a beginner or have years of training, Kitsap Aikido welcomes individuals of all backgrounds to join their diverse and inclusive martial arts family.
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