I was intrigued with acupuncture after it healed a shoulder injury of mine after months of physical therapy and chiropractic care that didn't seem to be helping. After graduating from acupuncture school in 2000, from Northwest Institute of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, I started a practice that revealed my interest in the lighter style needling of Japanese Acupuncture. Currently I focus on a style of acupuncture and diagnosis that depends a lot on palpation and patient feedback (Kiiko style). Other interest and tools in treating patients include tuning forks (Acutonics) and craniosacral work. Recently I have added Neuro-Acupuncture into my regimen of treatment. This technique integrates traditional Chinese needling methods with Western biomedical neurology.
Greg Shannon a licensed acupuncturist, EAMP, has been providing holistic care and gentle acupuncture techniques for 17 years in the Wenatchee Valley. Styles include: Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Kiiko Matsumoto style palpation techniques and needling, Neuro-Acupuncture. Acutonics with tuning forks, Craniosacral techniques, Chinese herbs, Moxibustion, Cupping and Tuina.