Heather Coyle, LAc has been practicing acupuncture since 1999. Michele Miller has been teaching Pilates since 1992. In July 2007 we joined forces and became Halfmoon Acupuncture and Pilates.
Certified in Sports Medicine Acupuncture. By utilizing both a western sports medicine evaluation/assessment as well as a Traditional Chinese Medicine assessment, our treatment approach bridges the gap between the East and West, drawing from both of these rich healing arts. Acupuncture is also very effective at treating menstrual disorders/pain, digestive problems including IBS, as well as sleep and stress issues. When possible we combine the healing and restorative aspects of acupuncture with the rehabilitative possibilities of Pilates. Our Pilates instructor is unique in her ability to help you create better, stronger, more functional movement with greater ease in your body. We love to work with accomplished athletes, dancers as well as the weekend warrior and couch potato. We strive to help you move, live and be in your life and body with greater ease.