Washington's oldest continuing United Methodist Church.
We are a community-focused church with many programs to offer you, including vital small groups, discipleship training for adults, children and youth education on Sunday mornings, youth programming on Sunday nights, and mission opportunities that involve the congregation in our local and global community in big and small ways. Still rich with tradition while enjoying innovation in ministry and progressive thinking about God, we are a growing congregation of people on a faith journey. We welcome you to visit, to share, and to belong. First United Methodist Church of Olympia welcomes people of all ages, all abilities, all sexual orientations and gender identities, all nationalities and ethnicities, the poor and the rich, single people and the many forms of family. Mission and Vision: We are making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by gratefully worshiping God... joyfully learning discipleship... gracefully cherishing one another... faithfully serving the world... all under the guidance and through the power of the Holy Spirit.