Services, nec, nec, Business services, nec, nec
Anchor Qea
Anchor Environmental is an environmental science and engineering firm that provides shoreline redevelopment services to industrial, port and harbor and dredging companies. Anchor s services include construction services, dredging and disposal, environmental review and permitting, geotechnical engineering, habitat restoration and mitigation, landscape architecture, sediment management, water quality investigations, groundwater investigation and natural resource management. One of its projects was acting as a technical lead for the environmental review on the project under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act, which evaluated potential shoreline impacts, beach stability, biological impacts, and structural conditions. Technical studies completed by Anchor included beach profiles and aerial surveys, structural surveys and wave runup studies. The company is headquartered in Seattle and operates additional offices in Portland, Ore., Oakland, Calif., Irvine, Calif., San Diego, Ocean Springs, Calif., Philadelphia and Boston.