We've been located just off Lake City Way in Seattle on 82nd Street for over 50 years. At our 50th anniversary celebration, we noted 12 families who had been in the church since the beginning (and boasted 3 generations of membership). The church has grown physically and in membership over this time, but our heart and soul have remained the same. Loving Christ and enjoying a worship community that feels like family.
We have a vibrant and active church community, with a large youth program, and an active music ministry including choir and orchestral opportunities and performances. There are also many social and volunteer groups: Making aid kits to send oversees with Lutheran World Relief, Cooking dinner for the compass center, Collecting food and clothing for homeless shelters and food banks. On the social side, we enjoy a women's book club, a church softball team, Mariner's nights, Wednesday morning bible studies, a young adults group, hiking outings and more. We also have church picnics, game nights, Thanksgiving at Faith, Christmas at Faith. Everyone loves a good Lutheran potluck... Traditional Sunday services are offered each week, including communion. Everyone will enjoy the children's sermons and hymn singing (with gusto)! Please join this ELCA Lutheran church in Seattle for a Sunday morning visit. You'll enjoy our hospitality and want to come back again.