Elite Physical Therapy was started in 2008 by Trevor and Rochelle Pettingill. As they worked to build a presence in the community they noted that patients generally valued two things: 1. A healthcare provider who cared, not just outwardly, but truly took interest and made effort to understand the patient and their feelings. 2. Patients that truly wanted to improve responded best to being taught to manage their pain independently, which became self-empowering. These two observations shaped Elite's treatment philosophies.
We are an outpatient physical therapy clinic where you will get one on one treatment from a licensed professional. We specialize in using evidenced based treatment to help folks of all ages. We strive to teach you how to manage your symptoms independently through simple yet specific exercises. We treat all sorts of conditions ranging from arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, total joint rehabilitation, balance training, and headaches to athletic injuries and vertigo. We have particular success with low back pain (sciatica) and neck pain using the Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment model (Mckenzie Method). We also love helping individuals with overuse injuries such as plantar fasciitis, golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, patello-femoral or knee pain, and tendonitis using a biomechanical approach combined with ASTYM therapy.