Coupeville Painting Co. 360-678-1100 specializes in interior, exterior, residential, commercial and public painting, pressure washing and moss removal. We are dedicated to providing our clients with prompt, professional, quality work. We provide friendly service at affordable rates. Our goal isn't to meet all of your expectations but to exceed them. We provide the best possible work on every project we complete so our clients know that they are our number one priority. Painting/ Sealing/ Staining Residential, commercial, or industrial Exterior/Interior house painting Faux finishing Oil and latex paints Concrete painting Interior Millwork packages Painting of Existing Vinyl and Aluminum Fire, Smoke and Water Damage Roof/yard decks, stairs, fences, enclosures and porches: Waterproofing New paint, stain and sealing Stripping and Refinishing Repairs, re-staining and resealing Pressure Washing/Moss Removal Our Pressure Washing Services Inclu