Wayne Dean Dojo, located in Petersburg, VA, is a renowned martial arts school led by Kyoshi Wayne Dean, an 8th Dan in Okinawa Kenpo with nearly 50 years of teaching experience. Alongside Sensei Lisa Dean, a 2nd degree black belt and certified personal trainer, they offer classes for all ages, focusing on self-defense, anti-bullying, sportsmanship, respect, and fitness. With a strong emphasis on safety and a commitment to making a positive impact in the community, Wayne Dean Dojo is a state champion school that instills the values of respect, self-discipline, focus, confidence, and leadership in their students.
With no contracts or hidden fees, Wayne Dean Dojo provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for families, offering special rates for multiple students. In addition to their regular martial arts curriculum, Sensei Lisa Dean also specializes in teaching adaptive martial arts for children with special needs. Recognized for their expertise and dedication, Kyoshi Wayne Dean was nominated as one of the Greatest Martial Artists by the AMAA, and their story has been published in the Who's Who in Martial Arts. Join Wayne Dean Dojo and experience the transformative power of martial arts while staying safe, positive, and kind to others.
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