Smart Ears, located in Midlothian, VA, is a renowned auditory-verbal center and auditory-oral school founded by Dr. Pratibha Srinivasan in 1999. With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Srinivasan, a Doctor of Audiology and Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, has been dedicated to teaching children with hearing loss to listen and talk, advocating for their rights, and training therapists and teachers to provide effective LSL (Listening and Spoken Language) programs.
Through Smart Ears, Dr. Srinivasan continues to work with families, audiologists, educators, and early intervention professionals to ensure a consistent and efficient LSL program, aiming to help children with hearing loss become independent and confident communicators in mainstream society. Additionally, Dr. Srinivasan founded the nonprofit organization Equal Voices for Deaf Children (EVDC) in 2009, providing support to families worldwide who lack access to qualified professionals for their children with hearing loss.
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