Shanaki Martial Arts, Inc. is a renowned martial arts studio located in Wytheville, VA, dedicated to promoting the principles of honor, respect, duty, courage, love, truth, and justice through the practice of Bushido - The Code of the Warrior. Led by Grand Master Penny Shannon and a team of experienced instructors, Shanaki Martial Arts offers a variety of programs for both kids and adults, including pre-K after-school programs, studio classes, and weapons training in Shotokan MMA.
With a strong emphasis on character development and self-discipline, Shanaki Martial Arts aims to empower individuals to build true confidence, seek peace, and defend the weak. Through training the mind, body, and spirit, students at Shanaki Martial Arts are encouraged to discover their inner power and meaning in life, while always striving to live by the code of the warrior. Please note that Shanaki Martial Arts Studios and Health Systems, Inc. is an independent entity and not affiliated with any other martial arts schools.
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