This archery course, located just off of Hampton Road near the entrance to Fountainhead Regional Park, is not open to the public, but rather is run as a club with dues-paying members who work to maintain the course and its attendant facilities in exchange for discounts on their annual dues. However, this course is not a place to hunt actual prey. Secretary/Treasurer Justice Percell explains, "There is no hunting on the range. That is the rules of Fountainhead Park, but we probably wouldn't hunt anyway. That is not good for safety, and we are very safety conscious." Maintenance tasks performed by the members of this not-for-profit organization include removing downed trees, repairing targets, cleaning the clubhouse, and so on.
"The purpose of our club is to maintain the range and promote archery in the area," Percell explained via e-mail. "Archery is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, and we have a quality recreational facility for archery. We welcome anyone interested in archery."