Capital English Academy (CEA) was established to teach English as a Second Language (ESL) to the non-English speaking communities in the DC Metropolitan Area. Our mission is to equip students for successful living and responsible citizenship in a rapidly changing local, national, and global community. We do this by providing accessible, affordable and quality educational opportunities for the development of marketable job skills, English language, and personal growth. In fulfilling our purpose, we further cultural, economic, and workforce development in the communities we serve.
We offer English courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced through any other language. Capital English Academy (CEA) was formed to serve the non-native English speaking community throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The core of CEA's philosophy is focused career education through English language training. TOEFL preparation. Schedule an appointment and we can get you on your way to speaking English more fluently. The basis of CEA's philosophy is focused career education and English language training. Our programs are primarily designed with job placement in mind. Each program and course includes hands-on practice so that our graduates can put their skills to work immediately upon employment.