We facilitate change, allowing you to accomplish what you desire. Stop smoking, change your relationship with food (stop dieting), improve your confidence, improve your test taking skills, make you comfortable speaking in public, addiction recovery support, get you over your fears; flying, spiders, snakes, going outside, and others, weight loss, improve pre & post surgical recovery, cancer recovery support, change your perception of pain, relationship recovery, grief recovery, erectile dysfunction, sleep improvement, improve your moods, anger management, depression recovery support, PTSD recovery support, hot flashes, business goals and sales, sports enhancement (improve your skills and performance), releasing the past, improve sexual response, bed wetting, nail biting. Classes and CEU's; Hypnosis Certification, Self Hypnosis Training, Parts Therapy Training, Regression Training, Stress Management programs for (first responders; police, fire, paramedic, Emergency Room)