Community development groups, Administration of social and human resources, Services, nec, nec
Weber Human Services
Located in Ogden, Utah, Weber Human Services provides mental health and substance abuse treatment services for Weber and Morgan counties in the state. It offers a wide range of youth and adult mental health services. Its services include day treatment, substance abuse, mental health inpatient and outpatient services, residential services, supplemental restraint system, psychiatric and substance abuse services, autism program, and family support services. The center also provides educational services, such as early childhood training, mediation, health fairs, parenting classes, parent and teen alternative program, student assistance, and young parents programs. It offers a variety of home and community-based services to keep functionally impaired adults from premature institutionalization. These services include case management, chore services, personal emergency response systems, equipment loan and purchase, home delivered meals, liquid supplemental meal, modifications to home, adult day care and residential living.