Dr. Billy B. Westbrook practices medicine in Longview, TX and specializes in Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Westbrook is affiliated with Good Shepard Medical Center Marshall, Good Shepherd Medical Center and Longview Regional Medical Center. ?Surgically treat conditions such as corns, calluses, ingrown nails, tumors, shortened tendons, bunions, cysts, and abscesses. ?Diagnose diseases and deformities of the foot using medical histories, physical examinations, x-rays, and laboratory test results. ?Prescribe medications, corrective devices, physical therapy, or surgery. ?Advise patients about treatments and foot care techniques necessary for prevention of future problems. ?Treat bone, muscle, and joint disorders affecting the feet and ankles. ?Refer patients to physicians when symptoms indicative of systemic disorders, such as arthritis or diabetes, are observed in feet and legs. ?Make and fit prosthetic appliances. ?Correct deformities by means of plaster casts and strapping. ?Perform administrative duties such as hiring employees, ordering supplies, and keeping records. ?Educate the public about the benefits of foot care through techniques such as speaking engagements, advertising, and other forums.