The successful saga of Vega Insurance and More began in 2013 when Maria and Steven Lewis took over a mail center and insurance business with 30 insurance policies on the books. In two years the number of policies grew to 300 thanks to a combination of friendly service and determination to offer the best value to our customers. The company's growth is accompanied by the additional of popular new services including FedEx shipping, money transfers, faxing, notary public seals, tax preparation and Time Warner Cable subscriptions. The addition of well-qualified bilingual staff members facilitated the growth and positions the company for expansion in the years ahead.
Auto Insurance, Notary Public, Mail Center and much more, bill paymentsTime Warner Dealer Retailer No tienes liciencia no hay problema, contamos con Fedex, USPS, pagos de servicios Time Warner Cable Proveedor Authorizado, Dish Latino Transferencia de Dinero a Mexico Centro y Sur America One Stop Shop