The Villages Gym opened its doors in 2004 as Bodyworks and Fitness when the original owner and his wife decided to leave the oil & gas world to focus on building a spa/fitness business together. In 2016 they found their successors in Heather and Derek Sholl, trainers with over 40 years of experience who were also looking to build a family owned business. We continue to offer the personal touch but have extended our services to include physical therapy, dietary coaching, Muscle Activation Techniques, massage and
The Villages Gym is a boutique wellness studio for people training for and recovering from active lives. We create custom, comprehensive programs for : weight loss, joint/muscle injury recovery and cardiac risk. We have outpatient cardiac rehab and prehab! Our average client is looking for a non-intimidating environment to have fun and commit to their personal health on a long term basis! Trendy vibe, old school service.