Budgeting and managing money isn't something I have always been interested in. As a kid and young man I used to spend as little money as possible and always worry about running out of money. Then, I was introduced to the concept of budgeting by a teacher and I ran with it. Now, I budget my money and take a few minutes each day to look over my spending habits. I started this business because I didn't see a budgeting service for the common person and wanted to change that. We don't work for Fortune 500 companies or people with 3 yachts. We work with the average American to help them get their finances under control and feel comfortable about their money.
We know that budgeting your money seems like a daunting task. It seems like the only place to get financial advice is from big firms who want to charge you hundreds of dollars. The Budgeteer is here for the average American. Our simple tactics and fair prices enable everyone the opportunity to budget their expenses.