Started in 1924 by Walter Long who graduated from the University of Texas law school and became manager of the Austin Chamber of Commerce. He realized that the legislature was passing laws impacting his members before they knew what was being proposed. He started providing daily reports of the legislation being considered, when committee meetings were scheduled, and what bills were passing. Since then the business has evolved with state-of-the-art data acquisition, delivery, and analysis. The first company to offer real-time access to legislative proceedings on a mobile device, real-time access to proposed floor amendments, real-time access to floor votes, real-time vote comparisons, side-by-side text comparison, voting clusters, and numerous other firsts. The programs we developed are currently in use in seven other states including New York.
Legislative information and intelligence service for professionals who interact with the Texas Legislature. Extensive on-line and mobile tracking, analytics, and tools necessary to monitor or lobby.