In late 2007 I realized that I really enjoyed helping business owners put together their print media. I started taking on freelance work and learning everything I could about Internet marketing from my mentor and sister, Shari Voigt of Express It Write. We turned out to be a great team, and when accounts needed more than our companies offered, Zero To Sixty Marketing LLC was launched, partnering with other independent business owners to offer a total marketing package in addition to the a la carte options available previously. Our virtual marketing department is running strong nationwide, and offers superior graphics design, fine arts illustration, professional print and Internet copy, and SEO Web site design. You can learn how to market your own business, and if you just don't want to, we'll do it for you!
Is it unclear how you should proceed with your current ideas? You should talk to me. I'll show you how to effectively get the most out of your marketing campaign with a straight forward approach and an eye for detail. You want results, I can help. I write effective SEO website copy, blog, articles, email campaigns, and social media releases. I also craft your direct mail campaigns and sell sheets. When you need an advocate to help you say what you really mean, call me. There's an art to choosing the right words and using them correctly, and I can show you how the right message in front of the right people will garnish amazing results. Need the whole package? I work with the best in the biz.