SJB Productions is a local company based in Boerne, TX, specializing in the creation of handmade Christmas Spiders. These unique decorations are inspired by a 200-year-old German Christmas folk tale, where a spider's web magically turned into silver on a poor woman's tree. Each Christmas Spider is meticulously crafted by Sheryl Brakey in the USA, and they come in a variety of colors to choose from. Additionally, there is a Collector's Edition available, featuring Austrian Crystals on the legs and head of the spiders.
Perfect for adorning your Christmas tree or as a distinctive gift, these Christmas Spiders add a touch of charm and tradition to any festive occasion. With an average body bead size of 20 mm and dimensions of 3 inches by 2 1/2 inches for the legs stance, these spiders are a delightful addition to your holiday decor. SJB Productions takes pride in their handmade creations, ensuring that each spider is crafted with care and attention to detail. Whether purchased online or at craft shows, these Christmas Spiders are a must-have for those seeking a unique and meaningful holiday decoration.
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