At Reflections of Health, we offer a variety of relaxing and stimulating massage therapy services designed with your total well-being in mind. We take the time to discover your individual needs to provide you with the most refreshing and therapeutic massage experience. Our services and techniques will help keep you feeling, looking and living well long after your appointment is over. Reflections of Health started as a vision and desire for helping people. Shelli began her career as a massage therapist, attending physical therapy school, and realized there was more to the body than just working on symptoms of pain. She wanted to build a place where people could come and relax in a non clinical setting, but receive a more therapeutic approach to their treatment. As her small business grew she sought out colleagues who believed in the same whole body concept of helping people to find relief from pain and discomfort. Reflections of Health is now home to therapies, classes and more.
Improve your overall well-being by contacting Reflections of Health. Our Hurst, TX Massage-Therapy techniques are based on ages-old practices that have brought tranquility and physical comfort to many.