Practice Energizers brings the unique blend of personal clinical experience and hands on co-ownership in a dental practice. Sonya Houp, RDA, Practice Coordinator and founder saw a need to offer the dental community the services of someone with hands on experience in both ownership and clinical back ground, Someone to tell it like it is, someone that had been there done that from the owners perspective and the teams perspective. Someone they could believe in and trust with their greatest asset, their patients...
A Practice Management Coach is not a unique entity. Practice Energizers however is a unique company that focuses on passionately preserving the integrity and quality customer care in the dental industry for future generations. A good team needs structure and stability not to mention the ability to excel at what they do best. Implementing solid protocols and procedures allows the teams the ability to monitor and track their successes. Focusing on good verbiage helps the teams to not only communicate with each other, the doctor but most importantly the patients. The end result is a community of Smiles built on a strong foundation for success!