Started the Company after research showed the Services was very much needed in the area.
Porter Enterprises has been open since 1999. We mainly offer computer and networking support for small to mid sized businesses that doesn't have the budget for an in-house I.T. Support. We have an office but we also respond to your location as well. We cater to businesses but also responds to residences just the same. Our Company motto is Technology with a heart! That's not only a phrase, it is an attitude we approach every client with. We are able to diagnose your system, remove viruses then we can install a antivirus software to protect your system from future infections. Businesses and Residential references upon request. We also can setup, configure and maintain networks. We offer Data retrieval, upgrades, refurbished and even new systems. We are fully equipped to service laptops as well as desktops. Please visit our website for more information. The address is www.PorterEnterprises.net we are able to design, launch and manage your web presence easily for you. If we can offer any a