Performance Revealed was founded in 2014 by Amanda Taylor and Jobim Zapico. Amanda has extensive experience in developing and executing management procedures, selecting and training key staff members, overseeing business operations and building long-term strategies for future growth and sustainability. She finds the issues that hinder businesses each day and supports them in discovery solutions through analysis, discovery and processes for the individual and the team. Jobim Zapico has served in leadership roles and worked with individuals both short - and long - term to coach them in becoming the best possible version of themselves in regards to health, business and personal well-being. Every day, he empowers others through a variety of communication methods, strategies and tactics to support the growth of great business, communities and humans.
Areas of advisory and business consulting services: Running & Managing Your Business Business Growth & Expansion Turnaround & Restructuring Operational Strategy Process Improvement Organizational Design Talent Acquisition & Management Human Resources Executive Coaching Leadership Coaching & Development