MyDesktopMedic is a family run and family operated business located in McKinney, TX (Collin County in North Dallas). Tony Lee, our head-medic, has used computers since the 1980's when 20 megabyte hard-drives cost $300. In fact, he still laments about the time when he purchased two Creative 2X speed CD-Rom drives for $1000 in 1995. These two CD-Rom drives now sits on his desk as paper weights. During this past 20 years, Tony has experienced countless computer related troubles, from dealing with computer viruses to recovering data from failing hard-drive's. Therefore, Tony has expert knowledge regarding the latest computer troubleshooting and repair techniques.
My Desktop Medic offers the following computer related services: 1) Computer Repair 2) Virus and Spyware Removal 3) Computer Tuneup 3) Wireless Network Setup 4) Computer Network Setup 5) Data Backup and Recover 6) Software and Hardware Installation, and more! We offer on-site service with no turnaround time.