Clutch Crossfit
HistoryStarted as a bootcamp in August in Levy Park.SpecialtiesClutch CrossFit is for anyone, regardless of their age or fitness level. In short, if you care about health, real-world performance, or just want to look better naked, CrossFit is for you. In short no matter your current physical state you will see Results! We have a great community who loves to do activities together outside the box. If you are new in town its a great way to meet new friends who enjoy being the best they can be! Our workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements (like pushups and pullups, deadlifts and squats, gymnastics, kettlebells, running, rowing, and olympic lifting), executed at high intensity in a group setting. All movements can be personally modified, so you get individualized attention in a group setting. Dog Friendly! (well behaved on a leash)