Karen Decker Fitness was contracted to teach fitness classes for the City of Port Aransas Following the devastation to our island wrought by Hurricane Harvey, Joyce & Jon Christensen graciously offered a large facility to house a new KarenDeckerFitness as the City of Port A no longer had resources for 'extras' such as fitness or wter aerobics as our little town was rebuilding the essentials, such as rebuilding city buildings and replacing damaged vehicles. Opening in January of 2018, just 5 months after the devastation of the direct hit from a category 4 hurricane, Karen Decker Fitness , affectionately known by locals simply as The Gym, is a 24/7 2-floor facility offering a variet of classes, including Fitness, Tai Chi, TaeKwondo, Zumba. Weidght Training, Dance and has a large array of Fitness/Cardio equipment and multiple weight training offer's including benches, plates, free weights, universal gym plus and upstairs boxing facility. An additional bonus is the Virtual Golf Simulato
Karen Decker Fitness is THE go-to full service 24 HOUR gym in Port Aransas offering fitness classes, weight room, exercise equipment, boxing room, MMA area, Zumba, TAi Chi, Yoga, shower & virtual golf simulator.