At Healthful Chiropractic, we evaluate the tone of the nervous system that governs the healing in the body. An adjustment is much more than simply repositioning the vertebrae in the spine. It is an adjustment to the restrictions that bind the person's health, freeing the life sustaining transmission of mental impulse from the brain to every cell for proper function. Our philosophy and method address the structural as well as the functional well-being of the body. We are looking for a pattern of interference between the brain and the body. As we make specific corrections, true expression of wellness can be obtained. We will do all we can to promote your health, help you to enhance the quality of life and be there to prevent the deterioration of chronic conditions. We want to encourage you to make educated decisions about your health. Our mission is to allow the body to restore the normal function of every nerve, organ and system. Healing from within - as you were designed.
Upper Cervical Care (upper neck) is a unique form of chiropractic that may help your common and uncommon health conditions get your life back without the use of drugs or surgery. This is a very precise and specific form of care. With upper cervical care, there is never any bending, twisting, popping, cracking or pain with the corrections. A gentle touch is all that is needed because we take the time to get to know and understand how your unique anatomy is affecting your body's ability to function and how to correct it. Instead of trying to hide or mask the symptoms, our care is designed to restore the body's the regular flow of healing messages from the brain to the body and express true health. Considering that upper cervical care revolves around the proper alignment of the head & neck and the correct function of the nervous system - the effects are seen in the whole body. Many patients seek proper corrective care after years of chronic problems. Correcting the misalignment is the first objective. Once you start holding the correction, we will know that the body is doing all it can to restore proper function. We want to encourage you to make educated decisions about your health. Our mission is to allow the body to restore the normal function of every nerve, organ and system. Healing from within - as you were designed.