Haynie's Green Acres Christmas Tree Farm is a beloved family-owned farm in Crowley, TX, offering a wide variety of Christmas trees, including Texas-grown Blue Ice and Carolina Sapphires, as well as pre-cut northern Fraser Fir trees and their signature colorful Flocked Fraser Fir trees. With a down-home country feel, the farm provides a safe and wholesome environment for families to create new holiday traditions.
Visitors can enjoy festive activities such as hayrides, tree shaking, and tree netting, as well as explore the gift shop filled with wreaths, bows, ornaments, and more. Professional and amateur photographers can also book private photo sessions at the farm, taking advantage of the beautiful backdrop of the Christmas tree farm. Admission to the farm is free, and complementary services such as picnic areas, tree swings, and coffee samples are provided to enhance the overall experience.
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