Are you low on cash and are looking for a way to make cash quick? Do you have a car that is no longer working and don't know what to do with it because no one wants to buy it? If you have a car that you can't sell but are low on cash, why not bring your car to a salvage yard for cars where they give cash for unwanted cars? Yes you read that right. Cash for unwanted cars. As the leading auto salvage yard around Dallas, Texas, Gp Auto Buyer takes pride in our unwavering commitment to giving the community of Dallas and its surrounding areas great customer service and fair, honest prices for their unwanted or damaged vehicles. Whether you have a van, RV, truck, or family wagon you want to get rid of, you can be sure that Gp Auto Buyer is the place where you can come to that will pay you top dollar for your vehicle. If you are wondering how you can get fast cash for cars, just give us a call and you can be sure one of our friendly staff members will be willing to service you and let you know how you can get cash for cars quick. If your car is no longer working and it's just collecting cobwebs in your driveway, come by Gp Auto Body where you can get cash for scrap cars. If you are spending too much money at the auto mechanic and you are in need of a new car, bring your car to Gp Auto Buyer, where we pay top dollar and give you cash for junk cars...