I would like to give you a little back ground on my product I sell fruit in a cup such as watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapples and other various fruits which I cut up and let the customer decide what they want in their fruit cup. We offer our customer to choose the fruit they want in the cup. I am not limited to just fruit, I also sell Aguas Fresca's or fresh fruit water of the above mentioned fruit and we have fruit milkshakes. Our signature items include strawberries and cream, and mangoes cut into flowers which are very popular. Our other signature items are the Mangonada, which is a mango icee, Rusa which is grapefruit drink with pieces of jicama, cucumber and pineapple, Diablitos, which are snowcones with chile and lime, Pina Colada served inside an actual pineapple(no alcohol).