Crystal Challenges is an educational after-school and summer program located in Cedar Park, TX, offering academic reinforcement in a fun game format. With certified and experienced teachers, small class sizes, and a warm and loving environment, children learn life-long skills such as group cooperation, computer skills, math, science, problem-solving, art, and writing.
As a TDPRS licensed childcare facility, Crystal Challenges serves school-age children aged 5 and up. They offer special unique activities such as an annual book breakfast for student authors and illustrators, summer class trips to the beach or exotic zoo ranch, and summer fundraisers. In 2009, 11 students raised an impressive $8,038 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. With daily math and reading activities, as well as three field trips per week, Crystal Challenges provides a well-rounded educational experience for children in a hypo-allergenic and well-behaved class environment.
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