Kevin McMullin founded Collegewise in Irvine, California in 1999 using his last paycheck from his previous job. He worked with nine students that fall at their kitchen tables to help them find the right colleges and complete their applications. Over the last 12 years our Collegewise system has slowly grown with additional offices, driven by word of mouth from families who were thankful that we'd taken the stress out of the process and showed them exactly how to achieve their goals. We hired counselors who kids liked and parents trusted. We turned our offices into a place where every family left feeling even better than they did when they arrived. We spoke at high schools, conferences, and community events, always preaching that our love for colleges wasn't limited to the prestigious schools, and reminding families that great educations take place at lots of colleges, not just the famous ones.
With over 40 counselors banding together, we're out to change the way that families approach the college admissions process. We think this should be an exciting time for students and parents, not a stressful, anxiety-ridden, cardiac arrest-inducing rite of passage. We're out to inject sanity and perspective into the college process.