In 2002, BAND began in the sunroom of the back of Donna Compton's house with 5 tables of supervised play on Fridays. This soon grew to three days a week and then 6 days a week! In 2005, Donna searched out and found a 600 Sq. Ft. office space behind a Starbucks on Inwood Rd. in Dallas, TX. In 2007, this one-room space grew to 1700 Sq. Ft. and BAND added social bridge games following the daily lessons which were now morning and afternoon 6 days a week! In 2009, BAND expanded to the 3700 Sq. Ft. space (and annex for overflow) it now inhabits. BAND is a full-service bridge club with duplicate bridge games seven days a week and bridge lessons six days a week..
BAND is a family owned and operated business. BAND was opened in 2003 to offer Bridge Lessons to persons interested in learning the game of bridge and for those interested in taking their bridge game to the next level. BAND has grown over the years into a full-service bridge club offering four types of Bridge Games. We have games seven days a week. BAND also offers games for social bridge players to better their game and to meet other social players. BAND provides a complete Book Store for all of your bridge supply needs, whether it be for duplicate or social bridge events. Stop by anytime during a regular scheduled class or game and purchase your bridge supplies. If we do not have it in stock, we will order it for you! BAND has ten ACBL certified directors, four ACBL certified full-time instructors, four ACBL certified associate instructors, one office manager, one club manager, one publicity manager, and two staff members.