Brazos Valley Acupuncture, located in College Station, TX, offers acupuncture treatments that provide pain relief and promote overall well-being. With a focus on musculoskeletal conditions, their trained chiropractors use hair-fine needles to restore the balance of vital energy and normalize the function of affected areas. Whether it's low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or headaches, Brazos Valley Acupuncture provides acupuncture without the fear.
With over 5000 years of history, acupuncture is a time-tested treatment method that originated in China. At Brazos Valley Acupuncture, the skilled practitioners diagnose and treat conditions by examining the pulses of the wrist and using a computer program known as ryodoraku or Electro Meridian Imaging. They offer acupuncture as a standalone therapy or as an adjunctive treatment for various conditions, including post-operative pain, fertility issues, stroke rehabilitation, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma. Trust Brazos Valley Acupuncture to provide effective and safe acupuncture treatments.
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