I began my own studies, took extensive classes to find a better solution. The products I use are 100% botanical infused with minerals that activate the skin cells into healing reproduction. Along with specialized Japanese techniques used to align the bodies systems and begin healing from the inside. This allows for the work we do on the surface to sustain for the long term. Once healed, it's about maintaining it. The experience you'll receive is all about entering a zen zone. You'll be in a meditative state without even knowing it. I incorporate lifestyle & spiritual coaching rather than a quick consultation. Where you are in life and what is going on in your life greatly affects your body's systems and therefore affects your skin. It's a full circle approach.
I am a specialize certified functional wellness, holistic skin therapist. I've chosen this method after extensive research to heal my own skin issues. Discovering that spas are contracted with large corporate brands who claim them to be all natural and organic. So essentially you are going in and having products put on your face that are only a temporary solution if that. They are forced to sell a certain amount of the products and forced to move clients in and out quickly. It's a money machine NOT a skin care business. I began my own studies, took extensive classes to find a better solution. The products I use are 100% botanical infused with minerals that activate the skin cells into healing reproduction. Along with specialized Japanese techniques used to align the bodies systems and begin healing from the inside. This allows for the work we do on the surface to sustain for the long term. Once healed, it's about maintaining it. The experience you'll receive is all about entering a zen zone. You'll be in a meditative state without even knowing it. I incorporate lifestyle & spiritual coaching rather than a quick consultation. Where you are in life and what is going on in your life greatly affects your body's systems and therefore affects your skin. It's a full circle approach.