Billy Bob Bates started Metroplex Firewood in 1987 and has been serving the Dallas-Ft Worth Metropolitan Area since then. We focus on delivering only the best firewood we can find throughout the Fall and Winter Season. Our hope is to help keep you warm, your house smelling good, and provide excellent and hospitable service. We hope you'll call us up today. We can arrange for pickup at select times, but otherwise our lot is for servicing our deliveries. Give us a call and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Billy Bob Bates passed away in June 2019 and his nephew, who grew up being lead about the state by Billy Bob from aged 6 exploring many facets of entrepreneurship, has taken over the business and is servicing all of his customers. We have brought many smiles and satisfied customers wood and kept folks warm for over 20 years and hope to bring you into our fold. Call today and if we don't pickup we'll get back directly.